Saturday, July 25, 2009

Happy Pioneer Day

Since Ryan had to work on the 4th of July we decided to do fireworks on the 24th. We bought a big pack of fireworks that we planned on lighting off with Ashley and Jordan after Braxton went to bed. We got snaps, smoke balls, and flowers to do with Braxton. He thought the snaps were really funny. However, the smoke balls and flowers terrified him. He was so terrified we decided to let him play outside for awhile. That always seems to calm him down. He was played in his car FOREVER. He decided he was done playing and started to climb out and he fell into the rose bush and scrape his arm. He cried for a minute but was ok. We played outside until it was time for bed. After we put him in bed Ashley and Jordan came and we watched fireworks. We had a lot of fun. I hardly ever hang out with Ashley and I really miss it.

After Ashley and Jordan left Ryan and I watch Coraline in 3D. We had a fun day and hope there will be more to follow. Ryan is finally going to work during the day!!!! YAY He is always so tired and ornery that we never do things as a family. I hope that once his body is adjusted he will do better.


rayanddanawalker said...

Poor boy! But Braxton will grow up to love fireworks. I am sure his daddy will teach him to.

Heidi said...

that's exciting Ryan is going to work days now.

BrOoKe said...

Tanya!!!! YOur blog is soooooooo cute!! Where did you get your profile thing? Did you pay for it? I totally love it! That commment on the bottom is too cute too!! PLease email me and let me know how you got a hot comment thing to post on here! Btw Bradey HATED fireworks too! He cried Buh Bye boom booms and go mommmys car now